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mmbasic:simple_screen_control_for_ansi_based_consoles_vt100_etc [2024/10/06 12:09] – [Dependancies] gerrymmbasic:simple_screen_control_for_ansi_based_consoles_vt100_etc [2024/10/06 12:12] (current) gerry
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 The following Subs and Functions provide functionality similar to that found on personal computers prevalent in the 80s. Console displays can be made quite pleasant with this output and hark back to the character based screens of early PCs.  The following Subs and Functions provide functionality similar to that found on personal computers prevalent in the 80s. Console displays can be made quite pleasant with this output and hark back to the character based screens of early PCs. 
 At() - Screen positioning uses the "At" function for cursor positioning. It uses less program space and is arguably more intuitive than a stand-alone LOCATE command. Note that because it produces a string, strictly a ; or + should be used when printing following output, but because of a quirk in how lines are parsed when printing, it can be omitted resulting in the pleasing.<code>Print At(10,10) "fred"</code> At() - Screen positioning uses the "At" function for cursor positioning. It uses less program space and is arguably more intuitive than a stand-alone LOCATE command. Note that because it produces a string, strictly a ; or + should be used when printing following output, but because of a quirk in how lines are parsed when printing, it can be omitted resulting in the pleasing.<code>Print At(10,10) "fred"</code>
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 **See Also**: **See Also**:
 [[String_editing_on_screen_for_VT_compatible_Terminals|String editing on_screen for VT compatible Terminals]]\\ [[String_editing_on_screen_for_VT_compatible_Terminals|String editing on_screen for VT compatible Terminals]]\\
mmbasic/simple_screen_control_for_ansi_based_consoles_vt100_etc.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/06 12:12 by gerry