//This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.//
'File....: SE02.Bas
'Author..: Simon Whittam
'Email...: s.whittam(at)xnet.co.nz
'Date....: 8th September 2013
'Language: Maximite BASIC, v4.4
'Purpose.: To provide an example of a Event Driven framework that:
' uses circular First In, First Out (FIFO) event queues comprised of String Arrays.
' debounces switch inputs.
' uses Bit flags stored in a numeric variable.
' is comprised of two co-operating Finite State Machines (FSM).
' uses non blocking timers (10ms and 1sec) for delays.
' uses events to move between states and communicate between FSM's.
' displays State/Event changes
' the use of pointer to a SUB (ON var GOSUB A0,A1,A2,...)
' The code example turns on & off the toggling of a LED only when a pushbutton
' switch has been pushed 3 times and remains pushed, all within 2 seconds.
'Version.: v1.1
'License.: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 AU)
'Ref.....: http://www.state-machine.com/qm/
' http://geoffg.net/MonoMaximite.html
' http://mmbasic.com/
' http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/au/
Library Load "Bit.Lib"
'BEGIN EventQ1.Lib - Initialisation
Library Load "EventQ1.Lib"
Option BASE 0 'event queue data referenced as an offset from: 0 - (Length -1)
'Configure event queue as empty
EQ1Length = 4 'Event queue length.
EQ1WriteFlag = 1 'Gets toggled after writing to last location in event queue.
EQ1ReadFlag = 1 'Gets toggled after reading last location in event queue.
EQ1NextWrite = 0 'Next location to write a byte.
EQ1NextRead = 0 'Next location to read a byte.
Dim EQ1$(1) LENGTH EQ1Length 'Create a circular event queue using a string/byte array.
EQ1$ = "FIFO"
'END EventQ1.Lib - Initialisation
'BEGIN EventQ2.Lib - Initialisation
Library Load "EventQ2.Lib"
'Option BASE 0 'event queue data referenced as an offset from: 0 - (Length -1)
'Configure event queue as empty
EQ2Length = 4 'Event queue length.
EQ2WriteFlag = 1 'Gets toggled after writing to last location in event queue.
EQ2ReadFlag = 1 'Gets toggled after reading last location in event queue.
EQ2NextWrite = 0 'Next location to write a byte.
EQ2NextRead = 0 'Next location to read a byte.
Dim EQ2$(1) LENGTH EQ2Length 'Create a circular event queue using a string/byte array.
EQ2$ = "FIFO"
'END EventQ2.Lib - Initialisation
'Define I/O pins used
Pin(11) = 1 ' Pin 11 -> 1, LED off
SetPin 12, 2 ' Pin 12, Input, 5v Digital, with external pull-up resistor
SetPin 11, 9 ' Pin 11, Output, Open Collector, with LED & resistor to 5Vdc.
'SysFlags bit assignments
' SFTick10ms = 0
' SFTick1s = 1
' SFSwitch = 2
' SFLED = 3
SysFlags = &B0000
' Queue1 event definitions used
' Undefined1 = 0
' Switch1.0 = 1
' Switch1.1 = 2
' TickTimeout1 = 3
' SecTimeout1 = 4
' Queue2 event definitions used
' Undefined2 = 0
' TickTimeout2 = 1
' Enable2 = 2
' Disable2 = 3
SetTick 10, BitSet10ms, 1
SetTick 1000, BitSet1s , 2
' Queue1 variables
SecTimeout1 = 0
TickTimeout1 = 0
Switch1DebounceCount = 0
CurState1 = 0 ' Current State
PrvState1 = 0 ' Previous State
CurEvent1 = 0 ' Undefined event
CurStateEvent1 = 0
PrvStateEvent1 = 0
' Queue2 variables
TickTimeout2 = 0
CurState2 = 0 ' Current State
PrvState2 = 0 ' Previous State
CurEvent2 = 0 ' Undefined event
CurStateEvent2 = 0
PrvStateEvent2 = 0
Do While (1)
'BEGIN Debug1
' PrvStateEvent1 = CurStateEvent1
'END Debug1
'Respond to events from Queue1 for Finite State Machine 1
CurEvent1 = EQ1Read()
CurStateEvent1 = ( Fix( (CurState1 * 5) + CurEvent1 ) + 1 )
'BEGIN Debug1
' Print only first occurrence of State/Event change
' IF NOT( PrvStateEvent1 = CurStateEvent1 ) THEN
' PRINT "StateEvent1: " + STR$( CurStateEvent1 )
'END Debug1
On CurStateEvent1 GoSub A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,B0,B1,B2,B3,B4
'BEGIN Debug2
' PrvStateEvent2 = CurStateEvent2
'END Debug2
'Respond to events from Queue2 for Finite State Machine 2
CurEvent2 = EQ2Read()
CurStateEvent2 = ( Fix( (CurState2 * 4) + CurEvent2 ) + 1 )
'BEGIN Debug2
' Print only first occurrence of State/Event change
' IF NOT( PrvStateEvent2 = CurStateEvent2 ) THEN
' PRINT "StateEvent2: " + STR$( CurStateEvent2 )
'END Debug2
On CurStateEvent2 GoSub E0,E1,E2,E3,F0,F1,F2,F3,G0,G1,G2,G3
'Has SFTick10ms flag been set
IF BitTstSet( SysFlags, 0 ) THEN
DecTimeOut1( TickTimeout1, 3)
DecTimeout2( TickTimeout2, 1)
'DecTimeoutN( TickTimeoutN, TickTimeoutEventN)
SysFlags = BitClr( SysFlags, 0 ) 'Clear SFTick10ms flag.
'Has SFTick1s flag been set
If BitTstSet( SysFlags, 1 ) Then
DecTimeout1( SecTimeout1, 4 )
'DecTimeoutN( SecTimeoutN, TimeoutNEvent )
SysFlags = BitClr( SysFlags, 1 ) 'Clear SFTick1s flag.
Print "Finished"
'GLOBAL: SysFlags
'Set SFTick10ms flag in SysFlags
SysFlags = BitSet( SysFlags, 0 )
'GLOBAL: SysFlags
'Set SFTick1s flag in SysFlags
SysFlags = BitSet( SysFlags, 1 )
Sub DecTimeout1( TimeoutCount, TimeoutEvent)
'Has Timeout already expired ?
If TimeoutCount > 0 Then
' No, decrement Timeout count
TimeoutCount = ( TimeoutCount - 1 )
'Has Timeout delay expired ?
If TimeoutCount = 0 Then
' Yes, add Timeout event to queue 1.
EQ1WriteSuccess( TimeoutEvent )
End Sub 'DecTimeout1
Sub DecTimeout2( TimeoutCount, TimeoutEvent)
'Has Timeout already expired ?
If TimeoutCount > 0 Then
' No, decrement Timeout count
TimeoutCount = ( TimeoutCount - 1 )
'Has Timeout delay expired ?
If TimeoutCount = 0 Then
' Yes, add Timeout event to queue 2.
EQ2WriteSuccess( TimeoutEvent )
End Sub 'DecTimeout2
Sub DebounceSwitch1
'GLOBAL: Switch1DebounceCount, SysFlags
' Is a switch state being debounced ?
If Switch1DebounceCount = 0 Then
'No, Check for change of switch state.
Local SwitchPin, SwitchBit
SwitchBit = BitMask( SysFlags, 4 ) ' Mask SFSwitch flag, i.e. 2^2.
SwitchPin = Pin(12)
SwitchPin = BitToggle( SwitchPin, 0 ) ' Inputs are active low
SwitchPin = BitShiftLeft( SwitchPin ) ' Match PIN bit position with position of SFSwitch bit in SysFags
SwitchPin = BitShiftLeft( SwitchPin )
' Has switch changed state ?
If Not( SwitchPin = SwitchBit ) Then
'Yes, debounce switch1.
SwitchDebounced( Switch1DebounceCount, 2, 2, 1 )
Else 'Switch1DebounceCount <> 0
SwitchDebounced( Switch1DebounceCount, 2, 2, 1 )
End Sub 'DebounceSwitch1
Sub SwitchDebounced( SwitchDebounceCount, SwitchBit, Switch1Event, Switch0Event )
'GLOBAL: SysFlags
SwitchDebounceCount = SwitchDebounceCount + 1
'Has 50ms (5 x 10ms) of debounce time elapsed ?
If ( SwitchDebounceCount = 5 ) Then
SysFlags = BitToggle( SysFlags, SwitchBit) ' Yes, toggle SFSwitch bit in SysFlags
If BitTstSet( SysFlags, SwitchBit ) Then
EQ1WriteSuccess( Switch1event ) ' Place Switch1 event in queue.
EQ1WriteSuccess( Switch0Event ) ' Place Switch0 event in queue.
SwitchDebounceCount = 0
End Sub 'SwitchDebounced
A0: 'Q1, 1, State0 - Undefined
A1: 'Q1, 2, State0 - Switch0
A2: 'Q1, 3, State0 - Switch1
PrvState1 = CurState1
CurState1 = 1
SecTimeout1 = 2
Switch1Count = 1
A3: 'Q1, 4, State0 - TickTimeout
A4: 'Q1, 5, State0 - SecondTimeout
B0: 'Q1, 6, State1 - Undefined
B1: 'Q1, 7, State1 - Switch0
B2: 'Q1, 8, State1 - Switch1
Switch1Count = (Switch1Count + 1 )
B3: 'Q1, 9, State1 - TickTimeout
B4: 'Q1, 10, State1 - SecondTimeout
'Has Switch1 been pressed twice and still pressed after 2 seconds
If (Switch1Count = 3) And BitTstSet( SysFlags, 2 ) Then
'Toggle LED state
SysFlags = BitToggle( SysFlags, 3) ' Toggle SFLed flag
If BitTstSet( SysFlags, 3 ) THEN
' Pin(11) = 0 'Turn LED on
EQ2WriteSuccess( 2 ) 'Send Enable2 event to event queue 2
' Pin(11) = 1 'Turn LED off
EQ2WriteSuccess( 3 ) 'Send Disable2 event to event queue 2
Switch1Count = 0
PrvState1 = CurState1
CurState1 = 0
E0: 'Q2, 1, State0 - Undefined2
E1: 'Q2, 2, State0 - TickTimeout2
E2: 'Q2, 3, State0 - Enable2
PrvState2 = CurState2
CurState2 = 1
TickTimeout2 = 20
Pin(11) = 0 'Turn LED on
E3: 'Q2, 4, State0 - Disable2
F0: 'Q2, 5, State1 - Undefined2
F1: 'Q2, 6, State1 - TickTimeout2
PrvState2 = CurState2
CurState2 = 2
TickTimeout2 = 20
Pin(11) = 1 'Turn LED off
F2: 'Q2, 7, State1 - Enable2
F3: 'Q2, 8, State1 - Disable2
PrvState2 = CurState2
CurState2 = 0
Pin(11) = 1 'Turn LED off
G0: 'Q2, 9, State2 - Undefined2
G1: 'Q2,10, State2 - TickTimeout2
PrvState2 = CurState2
CurState2 = 1
TickTimeout2 = 20
Pin(11) = 0 'Turn LED on
G2: 'Q2, 11, State2 - Enable2
G3: 'Q2, 12, State2 - Disable2
PrvState2 = CurState2
CurState2 = 0
Pin(11) = 1 'Turn LED off
'File....: Bit.Lib
'Author..: Simon Whittam
'Email...: s.whittam(at)xnet.co.nz
'Date....: 8th September 2013
'Language: Maximite BASIC, v4.4
'Purpose.: Provide bit manipulation functions of Bit Flags contained in a
' MM BASIC numeric variable.
'Version.: v1.0
'License.: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 AU)
'Ref.....: MMBasic - User Library, BIN8.BAS, crackerjack
' http://lbpe.wikispaces.com/Bit.Shift
' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_manipulation
' http://geoffg.net/MonoMaximite.html
' http://mmbasic.com/
' http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/au/
FUNCTION BitComp( Nbr )
BitComp = (-Nbr -1)
FUNCTION BitSet( Nbr, Bit )
BitSet = ( Nbr OR 2^Bit )
FUNCTION BitClr( Nbr, Bit )
BitClr = ( Nbr AND BitComp(2^Bit) )
FUNCTION BitTstSet( Nbr, Bit )
BitTstSet = SGN( Nbr AND 2^Bit)
FUNCTION BitTstClr( Nbr, Bit )
BitTstClr = SGN( BitComp(Nbr) AND 2^Bit)
FUNCTION BitShiftRight( Nbr)
BitShiftRight = FIX( Nbr / 2)
FUNCTION BitMask( Nbr, Mask )
BitMask = ( Nbr AND Mask )
FUNCTION BitToggle( Nbr, Bit)
BitToggle = (Nbr XOR 2^Bit)
FUNCTION BitShiftLeft( Nbr)
BitShiftLeft = ( Nbr * 2 )
FUNCTION BitRotLeft(Nbr)
BitRotLeft = ((Nbr+Nbr) MOD 256) or (Nbr>127)
FUNCTION BitRotRight(Nbr)
BitRotRight = (128*(Nbr AND 1)) or FIX(Nbr/2)
'File....: EventQ1.Lib
'Author..: Simon Whittam
'Email...: s.whittam(at)xnet.co.nz
'Date....: 8th September 2013
'Language: Maximite BASIC, v4.4
'Purpose.: Create and initialise an instance of a First In, First Out circular event queue.
' The event queue saves single bytes in a small String Array and does not
' overwrite unread bytes.
' Intended for use with a event driven Finite State Machine.
'Version.: v1.1
'License.: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 AU)
'Ref.....: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_buffer
' http://geoffg.net/MonoMaximite.html
' http://mmbasic.com/
' http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/au/
'BEGIN EventQ1.Lib - Initialisation
'Copy the "EventQ1.Lib - Initialisation" section to the beginning of the Main BASIC module.
'Unremark the NEXT line when using this file as as library file
OPTION BASE 0 'event queue data referenced as an offset from: 0 - (Length -1)
'Configure event queue as empty
EQ1Length = 4 'Event queue length.
EQ1WriteFlag = 1 'Gets toggled after writing to last location in event queue.
EQ1ReadFlag = 1 'Gets toggled after reading last location in event queue.
EQ1NextWrite = 0 'Next location to write a byte.
EQ1NextRead = 0 'Next location to read a byte.
DIM EQ1$(1) LENGTH EQ1Length 'Create a circular event queue using a string/byte array.
EQ1$ = "FIFO"
'END EventQ1.Lib - Initialisation
'BEGIN Test code
' For an empty queue, the following variables are initialised as follows:
' EQ1WriteFlag = 1
' EQ1ReadFlag = 1
' EQ1NextWrite = 0
' EQ1NextRead = 0
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQWrite:" + STR$( EQ1Write( 49 ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ1$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ1NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ1NextRead)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQWrite:" + STR$( EQ1Write( 50 ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ1$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ1NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ1NextRead)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQWrite:" + STR$( EQ1Write( 51 ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ1$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ1NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ1NextRead)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQWrite:" + STR$( EQ1Write( 52 ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ1$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ1NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ1NextRead)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
' PRINT "EQWrite:" + STR$( EQ1Write( 53 ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ1$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ1NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ1NextRead)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQ1WriteFlag:" + STR$(EQ1WriteFlag) + ", EQ1ReadFlag:" + STR$(EQ1ReadFlag)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ1$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ1NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ1NextRead)
PRINT "QueRead:" + STR$( EQ1Read() )
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ1$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ1NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ1NextRead)
PRINT "QueRead:" + STR$( EQ1Read() )
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ1$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ1NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ1NextRead)
PRINT "QueRead:" + STR$( EQ1Read() )
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ1$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ1NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ1NextRead)
PRINT "QueRead:" + STR$( EQ1Read() )
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQ1WriteFlag:" + STR$(EQ1WriteFlag) + ", EQ1ReadFlag:" + STR$(EQ1ReadFlag)
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ1$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ1NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ1NextRead)
PRINT "QueRead:" + STR$( EQ1Read() )
'END Test Code
'GLOBAL EQ1$(1), EQ1Length, EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead
'Has entire circular event queue previously been read ?
IF NOT(EQ1WriteFlag XOR EQ1ReadFlag) AND (EQ1NextWrite = EQ1NextRead) THEN
'Yes, return NULL (undefined) event.
EQ1Read = 0
'No, return next consecutive unread byte.
EQ1Read = ASC( MID$( EQ1$(1), (EQ1NextRead+1), 1 ) )
'Point to next byte location to read in circular buffer
EQIncr( EQ1NextRead, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1Length )
FUNCTION EQ1Write( EQEvent )
'GLOBAL EQ1$(1), EQ1Length, EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead
'Has entire circular event queue previously been written to ?
IF (EQ1WriteFlag XOR EQ1ReadFlag) AND (EQ1NextWrite = EQ1NextRead) THEN
'Yes, failed to write byte, event queue full.
EQ1Write = 0
'No, write to next free location in circular buffer.
EQ1$(1) = LEFT$(EQ1$(1), EQ1NextWrite) + CHR$(EQEvent) + RIGHT$( EQ1$(1), (EQ1Length - EQ1NextWrite - 1) )
'Point to next byte location to write in circular event queue.
EQIncr( EQ1NextWrite, EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1Length )
EQ1Write = 1 'Successful in writing byte.
SUB EQ1WriteSuccess( EQEvent )
IF EQ1Write( EQEvent ) = 0 THEN
PRINT "Unable to store event " + STR$(EQEvent) + ", event queue full"
END SUB 'EQ1WriteSuccess
SUB EQIncr( NextLoc, Flag, Length )
' Point to next circular event queue location.
NextLoc = (NextLoc + 1)
'Has next circular event queue location exceeded physical queue length ?
IF NextLoc = Length THEN
'Yes, point to first physical queue location.
NextLoc = 0
'Toggle flag bit to indicate location pointer
' is back to the beginning of the queue.
Flag = (Flag XOR 1)
FUNCTION EQEvntRdy( EQWriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQNextWrite, EQNextRead )
'GLOBAL EQ1WriteFlag, EQ1ReadFlag, EQ1NextWrite, EQ1NextRead
EQEvntRdy = (EQWriteFlag XOR EQ1ReadFlag) OR (EQNextWrite <> EQNextRead)
'File....: EventQ2.Lib
'Author..: Simon Whittam
'Email...: s.whittam(at)xnet.co.nz
'Date....: 8th September 2013
'Language: Maximite BASIC, v4.4
'Purpose.: Create and initialise an instance of a First In, First Out circular event queue.
' The event queue saves single bytes in a small String Array and does not
' overwrite unread bytes.
' Intended for use with a event driven Finite State Machine.
'Version.: v1.1
'License.: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 AU)
'Ref.....: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_buffer
' http://geoffg.net/MonoMaximite.html
' http://mmbasic.com/
' http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/au/
'BEGIN EventQ2.Lib - Initialisation
'Copy the "EventQ2.Lib - Initialisation" section to the beginning of the Main BASIC module.
'Unremark the NEXT line when using this file as as library file
OPTION BASE 0 'event queue data referenced as an offset from: 0 - (Length -1)
'Configure event queue as empty
EQ2Length = 4 'Event queue length.
EQ2WriteFlag = 1 'Gets toggled after writing to last location in event queue.
EQ2ReadFlag = 1 'Gets toggled after reading last location in event queue.
EQ2NextWrite = 0 'Next location to write a byte.
EQ2NextRead = 0 'Next location to read a byte.
DIM EQ2$(1) LENGTH EQ2Length 'Create a circular event queue using a string/byte array.
EQ2$ = "FIFO"
'END EventQ2.Lib - Initialisation
'BEGIN Test code
' For an empty queue, the following variables are initialised as follows:
' EQ2WriteFlag = 1
' EQ2ReadFlag = 1
' EQ2NextWrite = 0
' EQ2NextRead = 0
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQWrite:" + STR$( EQ2Write( 49 ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ2$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ2NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ2NextRead)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQWrite:" + STR$( EQ2Write( 50 ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ2$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ2NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ2NextRead)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQWrite:" + STR$( EQ2Write( 51 ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ2$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ2NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ2NextRead)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQWrite:" + STR$( EQ2Write( 52 ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ2$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ2NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ2NextRead)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
' PRINT "EQWrite:" + STR$( EQ2Write( 53 ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ2$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ2NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ2NextRead)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQ2WriteFlag:" + STR$(EQ2WriteFlag) + ", EQ2ReadFlag:" + STR$(EQ2ReadFlag)
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ2$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ2NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ2NextRead)
PRINT "QueRead:" + STR$( EQ2Read() )
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ2$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ2NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ2NextRead)
PRINT "QueRead:" + STR$( EQ2Read() )
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ2$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ2NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ2NextRead)
PRINT "QueRead:" + STR$( EQ2Read() )
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ2$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ2NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ2NextRead)
PRINT "QueRead:" + STR$( EQ2Read() )
PRINT "EvntRdy:" + STR$( EQEvntRdy( EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead ) )
PRINT "EQ2WriteFlag:" + STR$(EQ2WriteFlag) + ", EQ2ReadFlag:" + STR$(EQ2ReadFlag)
PRINT "Queue:" + EQ2$(1) + ", QueWrite:"+ STR$(EQ2NextWrite) + ", QueRead:" + STR$(EQ2NextRead)
PRINT "QueRead:" + STR$( EQ2Read() )
'END Test Code
'GLOBAL EQ2$(1), EQ2Length, EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead
'Has entire circular event queue previously been read ?
IF NOT(EQ2WriteFlag XOR EQ2ReadFlag) AND (EQ2NextWrite = EQ2NextRead) THEN
'Yes, return NULL (undefined) event.
EQ2Read = 0
'No, return next consecutive unread byte.
EQ2Read = ASC( MID$( EQ2$(1), (EQ2NextRead+1), 1 ) )
'Point to next byte location to read in circular buffer
EQIncr( EQ2NextRead, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2Length )
FUNCTION EQ2Write( EQEvent )
'GLOBAL EQ2$(1), EQ2Length, EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2ReadFlag, EQ2NextWrite, EQ2NextRead
'Has entire circular event queue previously been written to ?
IF (EQ2WriteFlag XOR EQ2ReadFlag) AND (EQ2NextWrite = EQ2NextRead) THEN
'Yes, failed to write byte, event queue full.
EQ2Write = 0
'No, write to next free location in circular buffer.
EQ2$(1) = LEFT$(EQ2$(1), EQ2NextWrite) + CHR$(EQEvent) + RIGHT$( EQ2$(1), (EQ2Length - EQ2NextWrite - 1) )
'Point to next byte location to write in circular event queue.
EQIncr( EQ2NextWrite, EQ2WriteFlag, EQ2Length )
EQ2Write = 1 'Successful in writing byte.
SUB EQ2WriteSuccess( EQEvent )
IF EQ2Write( EQEvent ) = 0 THEN
PRINT "Unable to store event " + STR$(EQEvent) + ", event queue full"
END SUB 'EQ2WriteSuccess
'SUB EQIncr( NextLoc, Flag, Length )
' ' Point to next circular event queue location.
' NextLoc = (NextLoc + 1)
' 'Has next circular event queue location exceeded physical queue length ?
' IF NextLoc = Length THEN
' 'Yes, point to first physical queue location.
' NextLoc = 0
' 'Toggle flag bit to indicate location pointer
' ' is back to the beginning of the queue.
' Flag = (Flag XOR 1)
'FUNCTION EQEvntRdy( EQWriteFlag, EQReadFlag, EQNextWrite, EQNextRead )
' EQEvntRdy = (EQWriteFlag XOR EQReadFlag) OR (EQNextWrite <> EQNextRead)